An accurately fitting socket is already made after only taking the first impression. The innovative procedure of the Symphonie Aqua System makes it possible to determine the residual limb situation while exactly taking the body weight and accompanying compression into account.
During the cast taking, the Symphonie Aqua Line provides an absolutely realistic impression of soft tissues and bony structures. Already during the cast taking, the patient is able to place full body weight on the residual limb. Here, valuable information is already gained concerning socket volume, bony protrusions and sensitive pressure points on the residual limb. At full weight-bearing load, the hydrostatic pressure in the cylinder pushes against the patient and compresses the residual limb surface. In this manner, the total surface weight bearing of the residual limb surface is achieved and the individual residual limb situation is optimally reproduced. Thanks to this precise impression technique, lengthy fitting of the trial socket is no longer required.
The Symphonie Aqua System Digital makes it possible, for the first time, to determine the burden of the residual limb within the prosthetic socket. Thus, a completely accurate cast impression of the limb is formed while the lower extremity is experiencing full body weight. Your advantage: absolutely perfectly fitting prosthetic socket and less time spent for the fitting process.
Due to our accurately fitting prostheses, our customers can finally, once again, live free of pain. They are no longer limited in their daily lives. Our patients are thrilled: Everything is again possible – whether it is athletic sports, mountain biking, snowboarding or kick boxing. Their radiant faces make us proud and serve as our motivation.
Creating a plaster impression with the Symphonie Aqua System is completely painless.
It is important that the wound healing process is complete. Furthermore, the patient must be able to stand for several minutes.
During the plaster impression process, patients have described feeling a tight, but evenly spread pressure situation on the residual limb’s entire surface.
More information concerning the Symphonie Aqua System can be found here:
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